ACP Resource Library

Here you will find downloadable files of many relevant publications related to Amboseli Conservation Program’s work.

ACP Resource Library

Here you will find downloadable files of many relevant publications related to Amboseli Conservation Program’s work.

ACP Resource Library

Here you will find downloadable files of many relevant publications related to Amboseli Conservation Program’s work.

African Conservation Center Documentary

Embark on a journey with the African Conservation Centre through our documentary, where we unveil the intricate tapestry of conservation efforts. Witness the pivotal role ACC plays in safeguarding African ecosystems and fostering harmony between wildlife, communities, and the environment.

Resource Assessors Training in Nairobi. Amboseli Conservation Program

Explore the Amboseli Conservation Program’s commitment to conservation excellence through the Resource Assessors Training in Nairobi. This video provides a glimpse into our dedication to cultivating skilled professionals and fostering sustainable practices within the Amboseli region.

African Conservation Center Documentary

Embark on a journey with the African Conservation Centre through our documentary, where we unveil the intricate tapestry of conservation efforts. Witness the pivotal role ACC plays in safeguarding African ecosystems and fostering harmony between wildlife, communities, and the environment.

Resource Assessors Training in Nairobi. Amboseli Conservation Program

Explore the Amboseli Conservation Program’s commitment to conservation excellence through the Resource Assessors Training in Nairobi. This video provides a glimpse into our dedication to cultivating skilled professionals and fostering sustainable practices within the Amboseli region.

Selected Publications

The following are a few of the 100 plus most recent articles produced by the Amboseli Conservation Program (ACP). New publications will be posted regularly.

  • 1986. Western, D. & Finch, V. A. Drought, Cattle and Pastoralism: Survival and Production in Arid Lands. Human Ecology, 14, 77-94.
  • 1986. Western, D. & Pearl, M. Conservation for the Twenty-first Century, Oxford University Press, New York.
  • 1993. Western, D. & Gichohi, H. Segregation Effects and the Impoverishment of Savanna Parks: The Case for an Ecosystem Viability Analysis. African Journal of Ecology, 31, 269-281.
  • 1994. Western, D., Wright, M. & Strum, S. C. Natural Connections: Perspectives in Community-based Conservation, Island Press, Washington DC.
  • 2000. Western, D. What can we do to ease life for pastoral nomads? Daily Nation Newspaper, 1 July 2000.
  • 2003. Western, D. Conservation Science in Africa and the Role of International Collaboration. Conservation Biology, 17, 1-10.
  • 2004. Western, D. The Challenge of Integrated Rangeland Monitoring: Synthesis address. African Journal of Range and Forage Science, 21, 61-68.
  • 2004. Western, D. Managing the Wilds: Should Stewards be Pilots? Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment- Forum, 2, 495-496.
  • 2004. Western, D. & Maitumo, D. Woodland Loss and Restoration in a Savanna Park: A 20-year Experiment. African Journal of Ecology, 42, 111-121.
  • 2004. Western, D. & Nightingale, D. Environmental Change and the Vulnerability of Pastoralists to Drought: The Maasai in Amboseli, Kenya, Earthprint (on Behalf of) United Nations Environmental Program, London.
  • 2005. Western, D. The Ecology and Changes of the Amboseli Ecosystem – Recommendations for Planning and Conservation, Unpublished Report submitted to the Science and Planning Committee of the Amboseli Task Force.
  • 2009. Western, D. Drought: Special Insight, Daily Nation Newspaper, Horizon Supplement, 1 October 2009.
  • 2009. Western, D. & Behrensmeyer, A. K. Bone Assemblages Track Animal Community Structure over 40 Years in an African Savanna Ecosystem, Science, Vol. 324. no. 5930, pp. 106 – 1064.
  • 2009. Western, D, Groom, R. & Worden, J. The Impact of Sedentarization and Subdivision of Pastoral Lands in an African Savanna Ecosystem, Biological Conservation, 142, 2538-2546.
  • 2009. Western, D., Russell, S. & Cuthill, I. The Status of Wildlife in Protected Areas Compared to Non-Protected Areas in Kenya, PloS One, 4: e6140. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0006140.
  • 2009 Western, D. Rethinking wildlife: bridging the conservation divide. In Reconceptualizing Wildlife Conservation. Ed. Toshio Meguro. African Centre for Technological Studies. Nairobi.
  • 2009 Western, D. Ecotourism, conservation and development in East Africa: How the Philanthropic Traveler can make a difference. Proceedings of the Traveler’s Philanthropy Symposium. Arusha, Tanzania.
  • 2009 Western D and Behrensmeyer. K.A. Bone assemblage tracks community structure over 40-years in an African savanna ecosystem. Science. 234: 1061-1064.
  • 2009 Western, D., Russell, S. and Cuthill, I. The Status of protected areas compared to non-protected areas of Kenya. PLoS One. 4 (7): 1-6.
  • 2009 Western, D. The Future of Maasailand, its People and Wildlife. In Staying Maasai. Livelihoods, Conservation and Development in East African Rangelands. Editors K. Holmewood, P. Kristjanson and P. Trench. Springer, New York.
  • 2009 Western, D Groom, R and Worden, J. The impact of land subdivision and sedentarization of pastoralist on wildlife in an African savanna ecosystem. Biological Conservation 142: 2538-2546.
  • 2010 Western, D. People, elephants and habitat in a Amboseli National Park: A century of change detected by repeat photography. In Repeat Photography: Methods and Applications in the Geological and Ecological Sciences. Ed. R.H. Webb, Boyer, D.E. and Turner, R.M. Island Press, Washington, D.C.
  • 2010 Western, D. Conservation of Art and Species. In Coping with the Past. Creative Perspectives on Conservation and Restoration. Edited Pasquale Gagliardi, Bruno Latour and Pedro Memelsdorf. Leo Olschki. Furenzi. Italy.
  • 2010 Western, D. Conservation in an age of climate change. Swara: 1. 24-25.
  • 2010 Western, D. The Worst Drought: Tipping Point or Turning Point. Swara: 2.16-20.
  • 2010 Western et al. Towards a National Conservation Framework. Policy Recommendations of the Conference on Biodiversity, Land Use and Climate Change. African Center for Tenchological Studies, Nairobi.
  • 2011 Ahlering, M.A., Millspaugh, J.J., Woods, R.J., Western, D. and Eggert, L.S. 2009. Elevated levels of stress hormones detected in crop-raiding male elephants. Animal Conservation 14 (2) 124-130.
  • 2011 Dunne, T., Western, D. and Dietrich, W. The effects of cattle trampling on vegetation, infiltration and erosion in rangelands in southern Kenya. Journal of Arid Environments. 75: 58-69.
  • 2012 Sunstrom, S, Tynon, J. and Western, D. Rangeland privatization and the Maasai experience: Social capital and the implications for traditional resource management in southern Kenya. Society and Natural Resources. 2(5).
  • 2012 Mose, V.N., Nguyen-HUU, T., Auger, P., Western, D., 2012. Modelling herbivore population dynamics In Amboseli National Park, Kenya. Ecological Complexity 10:42-51.
  • 2012 Ahlering, M. A., J. E. Maldonado, R. C. Fleischer, D. Western, and L. S. Eggert. Fine-scale group structure and demography of African savannah elephants recolonizing lands outside protected areas. Diversity and Distributions 18:1-10.
  • 2012 Ahlering, M.A., Eggert, L.S., Western. D., Estes, A., Munishi. L., Fleischer, R., Roberts, M., and Maldonado, J.E. Identifying source populations and genetic structure for savannah elephants in human-dominated landscapes and protected areas in the Kenya-Tanzania borderlands. PLoS ONE 7 (12):1-9).
  • 2013 Mose V. N., Nguyen-Huu, T., Western, D., Auger, P., Nyandwi, C. Modelling the dynamics of migrations for large herbivore populations in the Amboseli National Park, Kenya. Ecological Modelling (254) 43-49.
  • 2013 Ecotourism: from small beginnings to global influence. In Sustainable Tourism and the Millennium Development Goals, eds. Kelly S. Bricker, Rosemary Black and Stuart Cottrell. The International Ecotourism Society, Washington, D.C.
  • 2013 Ahlering, M.A., J.E. Maldonado, L.S. Eggert, R.C. Fleischer, D. Western and J. Brown. Conservation outside protected areas and the effect of human-dominated landscapes on stress hormones in savannah elephants. Conservation Biology 27: 569–575.
  • 2013 Groom, R.J. and Western, D. The impact of land subdivision and sedentarization on wildlife. In Kenya’s southern Rangelands. Rangeland Ecology and Management 66(1): 1-9.
  • 2013 Johnston, M.J., Western, D. and Jackson, R. Mapping biological processes to the appropriate spatial modeling tools. In Conservation Planning: Shaping the Future. Edited F. L. Craighead and C.L. Convis. ESRI Press, Redlands, California.
  • 2014 Western, D., Nightingale, D. and Bandheri, P. Community-based Natural Resource Management. Creating and Enabling Policy Environment in Kenya. African Centre for Technological Studies, Nairobi.
  • 2015 Elephants and ecological cascades. Book Review of Elephants and Savanna Woodland Ecosystems. C, Skarpe et al. 2014. Ecology 96(1): 309-310.
  • 2015 Mose, V. N., & Western, D. Spatial cluster analysis for large herbivore distributions: Amboseli ecosystem, Kenya. Ecological Informatics.
  • 2015 Western, D., Waithaka, J. and Kamanga J. Finding space for wildlife beyond national parks and reducing conflict through community-based conservation: the Kenya experience. Parks 21.1: 51-62.
  • 2015 Western, D., Mose, V. N., Worden, J., & Maitumo, D. (2015). Predicting Extreme Droughts in Savannah Africa: A Comparison of Proxy and Direct Measures in Detecting Biomass Fluctuations, Trends and Their Causes. PloS one, 10(8), e0136516.
  • 2015 Principal writer and editor. Kenya’s Natural Capital: A Biodiversity Atlas (due to be launched by the Ministry of the Environment November 17th 2015).
  • 2015 David Western, Victor N. Mose, Jeffery Worden and David Maitumo. Predicting extreme droughts in savanna Africa: a comparison of proxy and direct measures in detecting biomass fluctuations, trends and their causes. PLoS One. 10 (8).
  • 2016. Kennedy Sakimba Kamiti, Oliver Vivian Wasonga, David Western and Judith Syombua Mbau. Community perceptions on spatio-temporal land use changes in the Amboseli ecosystem, southern Kenya. Pastoralism: Research, Policy and Practice. 6:24 DOI 10.1186/s 13570-016-0070-0.
  • 2017 Tyrell, P. Russel S. and Western D. 2017 Seasonal movements of wildlife and livestock in a heterogenous pastoral landscape: implications for coexistence and community-based conservation. Global Ecology and Conservation. 12. 57.73.
  • 2018. Victor N. Mose, David Western and Peter Tyrell. Applications of open source tools for biodiversity conservation and natural resource management in East Africa. Ecological Informatics 47.35-44.
  • 2018. Russell, S., Tyrrell, P., & Western, D. Seasonal interactions of pastoralists and wildlife in relation to pasture in an African savanna ecosystem. Journal of Arid Environments, 154, 70-81.
  • 2018 K. S. Kamiti, D. Western, J.S. Mbau and O.V. Wasonga. Impacts of long-term land-use changes on herd size and mobility among pastoral households in Amboseli ecosystem, Kenya. Ecological Processes, 7:4 2-9.
  • 2018 Osipova, L., Okello, M., Njumbi, S. J., Ngene, S., Western, D., Howard, M.W. and Balkehnol, N. Fencing solves human-wildlife conflict locally but shifts problems elsewhere: A case study using functional connectivity modelling of the African elephant. Journal of Applied Ecology, 55 Issue 2, 2673-2684.
  • 2018. Osipova, L., Okello, M., Njumbi, S. J., Ngene, S., Western, D., Howard, M.W. and Balkehnol, N. Using step-detection function to model landscape connectivity for African elephants: accounting for variability across individuals and seasons. Animal Conservation, 22 Issue 1, 35-48.
  • 2018. David Western, Victor Mose, David Maitumo. Caroline Mburu, Eric Ochwangi, Sakimba Kamiti and Bernadette Thomas. The Amboseli Ecosystem: Status, changes and recommendations for the Amboseli Ecosystem Management Plan 2018-2028. Supplement to the Amboseli Ecosystem Management Plan 2020-2030.
  • 2018. Contributor National Wildlife Strategy 2030. A Blueprint to Transform Wildlife Conservation in Kenya. Government of Kenya 2018.
  • 2019. David Western, D.L. Manzolillo Nightingale, Johnson Ole Sipitiek, Victor N. Mose and Sakimba Kimiti. Variability and change in Maasai views of wildlife and the conservation implications. Human Ecology
  • 2019. Report on the Wildlife Utilization Task Force on Consumptive Utilization in Kenya. Ministry of Tourism and Wildlife. Government of Kenya.
  • 2020, Conservation from the inside-out: winning space and a place for wildlife in working landscapes David Western, Peter Tyrrell, Peadar Brehony, Samantha Russell, Guy Western and John Kamanga. People and Nature 2020:00:1-13.
  • 2020. Fernández-Llamazares, Álvaro, David Western, Kathleen A. Galvin, Pamela McElwee, and Mar Cabeza. Historical shifts in local attitudes towards wildlife by Maasai pastoralists of the Amboseli Ecosystem (Kenya): insights from three conservation psychology theories. Journal for Nature Conservation (2019): 125763.

Selected Publications

The following are a few of the 100 plus most recent articles produced by the Amboseli Conservation Program (ACP). New publications will be posted regularly.

  • 1986. Western, D. & Finch, V. A. Drought, Cattle and Pastoralism: Survival and Production in Arid Lands. Human Ecology, 14, 77-94.
  • 1986. Western, D. & Pearl, M. Conservation for the Twenty-first Century, Oxford University Press, New York.
  • 1993. Western, D. & Gichohi, H. Segregation Effects and the Impoverishment of Savanna Parks: The Case for an Ecosystem Viability Analysis. African Journal of Ecology, 31, 269-281.
  • 1994. Western, D., Wright, M. & Strum, S. C. Natural Connections: Perspectives in Community-based Conservation, Island Press, Washington DC.
  • 2000. Western, D. What can we do to ease life for pastoral nomads? Daily Nation Newspaper, 1 July 2000.
  • 2003. Western, D. Conservation Science in Africa and the Role of International Collaboration. Conservation Biology, 17, 1-10.
  • 2004. Western, D. The Challenge of Integrated Rangeland Monitoring: Synthesis address. African Journal of Range and Forage Science, 21, 61-68.
  • 2004. Western, D. Managing the Wilds: Should Stewards be Pilots? Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment- Forum, 2, 495-496.
  • 2004. Western, D. & Maitumo, D. Woodland Loss and Restoration in a Savanna Park: A 20-year Experiment. African Journal of Ecology, 42, 111-121.
  • 2004. Western, D. & Nightingale, D. Environmental Change and the Vulnerability of Pastoralists to Drought: The Maasai in Amboseli, Kenya, Earthprint (on Behalf of) United Nations Environmental Program, London.
  • 2005. Western, D. The Ecology and Changes of the Amboseli Ecosystem – Recommendations for Planning and Conservation, Unpublished Report submitted to the Science and Planning Committee of the Amboseli Task Force.
  • 2009. Western, D. Drought: Special Insight, Daily Nation Newspaper, Horizon Supplement, 1 October 2009.
  • 2009. Western, D. & Behrensmeyer, A. K. Bone Assemblages Track Animal Community Structure over 40 Years in an African Savanna Ecosystem, Science, Vol. 324. no. 5930, pp. 106 – 1064.
  • 2009. Western, D, Groom, R. & Worden, J. The Impact of Sedentarization and Subdivision of Pastoral Lands in an African Savanna Ecosystem, Biological Conservation, 142, 2538-2546.
  • 2009. Western, D., Russell, S. & Cuthill, I. The Status of Wildlife in Protected Areas Compared to Non-Protected Areas in Kenya, PloS One, 4: e6140. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0006140.
  • 2009 Western, D. Rethinking wildlife: bridging the conservation divide. In Reconceptualizing Wildlife Conservation. Ed. Toshio Meguro. African Centre for Technological Studies. Nairobi.
  • 2009 Western, D. Ecotourism, conservation and development in East Africa: How the Philanthropic Traveler can make a difference. Proceedings of the Traveler’s Philanthropy Symposium. Arusha, Tanzania.
  • 2009 Western D and Behrensmeyer. K.A. Bone assemblage tracks community structure over 40-years in an African savanna ecosystem. Science. 234: 1061-1064.
  • 2009 Western, D., Russell, S. and Cuthill, I. The Status of protected areas compared to non-protected areas of Kenya. PLoS One. 4 (7): 1-6.
  • 2009 Western, D. The Future of Maasailand, its People and Wildlife. In Staying Maasai. Livelihoods, Conservation and Development in East African Rangelands. Editors K. Holmewood, P. Kristjanson and P. Trench. Springer, New York.
  • 2009 Western, D Groom, R and Worden, J. The impact of land subdivision and sedentarization of pastoralist on wildlife in an African savanna ecosystem. Biological Conservation 142: 2538-2546.
  • 2010 Western, D. People, elephants and habitat in a Amboseli National Park: A century of change detected by repeat photography. In Repeat Photography: Methods and Applications in the Geological and Ecological Sciences. Ed. R.H. Webb, Boyer, D.E. and Turner, R.M. Island Press, Washington, D.C.
  • 2010 Western, D. Conservation of Art and Species. In Coping with the Past. Creative Perspectives on Conservation and Restoration. Edited Pasquale Gagliardi, Bruno Latour and Pedro Memelsdorf. Leo Olschki. Furenzi. Italy.
  • 2010 Western, D. Conservation in an age of climate change. Swara: 1. 24-25.
  • 2010 Western, D. The Worst Drought: Tipping Point or Turning Point. Swara: 2.16-20.
  • 2010 Western et al. Towards a National Conservation Framework. Policy Recommendations of the Conference on Biodiversity, Land Use and Climate Change. African Center for Tenchological Studies, Nairobi.
  • 2011 Ahlering, M.A., Millspaugh, J.J., Woods, R.J., Western, D. and Eggert, L.S. 2009. Elevated levels of stress hormones detected in crop-raiding male elephants. Animal Conservation 14 (2) 124-130.
  • 2011 Dunne, T., Western, D. and Dietrich, W. The effects of cattle trampling on vegetation, infiltration and erosion in rangelands in southern Kenya. Journal of Arid Environments. 75: 58-69.
  • 2012 Sunstrom, S, Tynon, J. and Western, D. Rangeland privatization and the Maasai experience: Social capital and the implications for traditional resource management in southern Kenya. Society and Natural Resources. 2(5).
  • 2012 Mose, V.N., Nguyen-HUU, T., Auger, P., Western, D., 2012. Modelling herbivore population dynamics In Amboseli National Park, Kenya. Ecological Complexity 10:42-51.
  • 2012 Ahlering, M. A., J. E. Maldonado, R. C. Fleischer, D. Western, and L. S. Eggert. Fine-scale group structure and demography of African savannah elephants recolonizing lands outside protected areas. Diversity and Distributions 18:1-10.
  • 2012 Ahlering, M.A., Eggert, L.S., Western. D., Estes, A., Munishi. L., Fleischer, R., Roberts, M., and Maldonado, J.E. Identifying source populations and genetic structure for savannah elephants in human-dominated landscapes and protected areas in the Kenya-Tanzania borderlands. PLoS ONE 7 (12):1-9).
  • 2013 Mose V. N., Nguyen-Huu, T., Western, D., Auger, P., Nyandwi, C. Modelling the dynamics of migrations for large herbivore populations in the Amboseli National Park, Kenya. Ecological Modelling (254) 43-49.
  • 2013 Ecotourism: from small beginnings to global influence. In Sustainable Tourism and the Millennium Development Goals, eds. Kelly S. Bricker, Rosemary Black and Stuart Cottrell. The International Ecotourism Society, Washington, D.C.
  • 2013 Ahlering, M.A., J.E. Maldonado, L.S. Eggert, R.C. Fleischer, D. Western and J. Brown. Conservation outside protected areas and the effect of human-dominated landscapes on stress hormones in savannah elephants. Conservation Biology 27: 569–575.
  • 2013 Groom, R.J. and Western, D. The impact of land subdivision and sedentarization on wildlife. In Kenya’s southern Rangelands. Rangeland Ecology and Management 66(1): 1-9.
  • 2013 Johnston, M.J., Western, D. and Jackson, R. Mapping biological processes to the appropriate spatial modeling tools. In Conservation Planning: Shaping the Future. Edited F. L. Craighead and C.L. Convis. ESRI Press, Redlands, California.
  • 2014 Western, D., Nightingale, D. and Bandheri, P. Community-based Natural Resource Management. Creating and Enabling Policy Environment in Kenya. African Centre for Technological Studies, Nairobi.
  • 2015 Elephants and ecological cascades. Book Review of Elephants and Savanna Woodland Ecosystems. C, Skarpe et al. 2014. Ecology 96(1): 309-310.
  • 2015 Mose, V. N., & Western, D. Spatial cluster analysis for large herbivore distributions: Amboseli ecosystem, Kenya. Ecological Informatics.
  • 2015 Western, D., Waithaka, J. and Kamanga J. Finding space for wildlife beyond national parks and reducing conflict through community-based conservation: the Kenya experience. Parks 21.1: 51-62.
  • 2015 Western, D., Mose, V. N., Worden, J., & Maitumo, D. (2015). Predicting Extreme Droughts in Savannah Africa: A Comparison of Proxy and Direct Measures in Detecting Biomass Fluctuations, Trends and Their Causes. PloS one, 10(8), e0136516.
  • 2015 Principal writer and editor. Kenya’s Natural Capital: A Biodiversity Atlas (due to be launched by the Ministry of the Environment November 17th 2015).
  • 2015 David Western, Victor N. Mose, Jeffery Worden and David Maitumo. Predicting extreme droughts in savanna Africa: a comparison of proxy and direct measures in detecting biomass fluctuations, trends and their causes. PLoS One. 10 (8).
  • 2016. Kennedy Sakimba Kamiti, Oliver Vivian Wasonga, David Western and Judith Syombua Mbau. Community perceptions on spatio-temporal land use changes in the Amboseli ecosystem, southern Kenya. Pastoralism: Research, Policy and Practice. 6:24 DOI 10.1186/s 13570-016-0070-0.
  • 2017 Tyrell, P. Russel S. and Western D. 2017 Seasonal movements of wildlife and livestock in a heterogenous pastoral landscape: implications for coexistence and community-based conservation. Global Ecology and Conservation. 12. 57.73.
  • 2018. Victor N. Mose, David Western and Peter Tyrell. Applications of open source tools for biodiversity conservation and natural resource management in East Africa. Ecological Informatics 47.35-44.
  • 2018. Russell, S., Tyrrell, P., & Western, D. Seasonal interactions of pastoralists and wildlife in relation to pasture in an African savanna ecosystem. Journal of Arid Environments, 154, 70-81.
  • 2018 K. S. Kamiti, D. Western, J.S. Mbau and O.V. Wasonga. Impacts of long-term land-use changes on herd size and mobility among pastoral households in Amboseli ecosystem, Kenya. Ecological Processes, 7:4 2-9.
  • 2018 Osipova, L., Okello, M., Njumbi, S. J., Ngene, S., Western, D., Howard, M.W. and Balkehnol, N. Fencing solves human-wildlife conflict locally but shifts problems elsewhere: A case study using functional connectivity modelling of the African elephant. Journal of Applied Ecology, 55 Issue 2, 2673-2684.
  • 2018. Osipova, L., Okello, M., Njumbi, S. J., Ngene, S., Western, D., Howard, M.W. and Balkehnol, N. Using step-detection function to model landscape connectivity for African elephants: accounting for variability across individuals and seasons. Animal Conservation, 22 Issue 1, 35-48.
  • 2018. David Western, Victor Mose, David Maitumo. Caroline Mburu, Eric Ochwangi, Sakimba Kamiti and Bernadette Thomas. The Amboseli Ecosystem: Status, changes and recommendations for the Amboseli Ecosystem Management Plan 2018-2028. Supplement to the Amboseli Ecosystem Management Plan 2020-2030.
  • 2018. Contributor National Wildlife Strategy 2030. A Blueprint to Transform Wildlife Conservation in Kenya. Government of Kenya 2018.
  • 2019. David Western, D.L. Manzolillo Nightingale, Johnson Ole Sipitiek, Victor N. Mose and Sakimba Kimiti. Variability and change in Maasai views of wildlife and the conservation implications. Human Ecology
  • 2019. Report on the Wildlife Utilization Task Force on Consumptive Utilization in Kenya. Ministry of Tourism and Wildlife. Government of Kenya.
  • 2020, Conservation from the inside-out: winning space and a place for wildlife in working landscapes David Western, Peter Tyrrell, Peadar Brehony, Samantha Russell, Guy Western and John Kamanga. People and Nature 2020:00:1-13.
  • 2020. Fernández-Llamazares, Álvaro, David Western, Kathleen A. Galvin, Pamela McElwee, and Mar Cabeza. Historical shifts in local attitudes towards wildlife by Maasai pastoralists of the Amboseli Ecosystem (Kenya): insights from three conservation psychology theories. Journal for Nature Conservation (2019): 125763.

Resource Library

African Conservation Center Documentary

Embark on a journey with the African Conservation Centre through our documentary, where we unveil the intricate tapestry of conservation efforts. Witness the pivotal role ACC plays in safeguarding African ecosystems and fostering harmony between wildlife, communities, and the environment.

Resource Assessors Training in Nairobi. Amboseli Conservation Program

Explore the Amboseli Conservation Program’s commitment to conservation excellence through the Resource Assessors Training in Nairobi. This video provides a glimpse into our dedication to cultivating skilled professionals and fostering sustainable practices within the Amboseli region.

Selected Publications

The following are a few of the 100 plus most recent articles produced by the Amboseli Conservation Program (ACP). New publications will be posted regularly.

  • 1986. Western, D. & Finch, V. A. Drought, Cattle and Pastoralism: Survival and Production in Arid Lands. Human Ecology, 14, 77-94.
  • 1986. Western, D. & Pearl, M. Conservation for the Twenty-first Century, Oxford University Press, New York.
  • 1993. Western, D. & Gichohi, H. Segregation Effects and the Impoverishment of Savanna Parks: The Case for an Ecosystem Viability Analysis. African Journal of Ecology, 31, 269-281.
  • 1994. Western, D., Wright, M. & Strum, S. C. Natural Connections: Perspectives in Community-based Conservation, Island Press, Washington DC.
  • 2000. Western, D. What can we do to ease life for pastoral nomads? Daily Nation Newspaper, 1 July 2000.
  • 2003. Western, D. Conservation Science in Africa and the Role of International Collaboration. Conservation Biology, 17, 1-10.
  • 2004. Western, D. The Challenge of Integrated Rangeland Monitoring: Synthesis address. African Journal of Range and Forage Science, 21, 61-68.
  • 2004. Western, D. Managing the Wilds: Should Stewards be Pilots? Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment- Forum, 2, 495-496.
  • 2004. Western, D. & Maitumo, D. Woodland Loss and Restoration in a Savanna Park: A 20-year Experiment. African Journal of Ecology, 42, 111-121.
  • 2004. Western, D. & Nightingale, D. Environmental Change and the Vulnerability of Pastoralists to Drought: The Maasai in Amboseli, Kenya, Earthprint (on Behalf of) United Nations Environmental Program, London.
  • 2005. Western, D. The Ecology and Changes of the Amboseli Ecosystem – Recommendations for Planning and Conservation, Unpublished Report submitted to the Science and Planning Committee of the Amboseli Task Force.
  • 2009. Western, D. Drought: Special Insight, Daily Nation Newspaper, Horizon Supplement, 1 October 2009.
  • 2009. Western, D. & Behrensmeyer, A. K. Bone Assemblages Track Animal Community Structure over 40 Years in an African Savanna Ecosystem, Science, Vol. 324. no. 5930, pp. 106 – 1064.
  • 2009. Western, D, Groom, R. & Worden, J. The Impact of Sedentarization and Subdivision of Pastoral Lands in an African Savanna Ecosystem, Biological Conservation, 142, 2538-2546.
  • 2009. Western, D., Russell, S. & Cuthill, I. The Status of Wildlife in Protected Areas Compared to Non-Protected Areas in Kenya, PloS One, 4: e6140. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0006140.
  • 2009 Western, D. Rethinking wildlife: bridging the conservation divide. In Reconceptualizing Wildlife Conservation. Ed. Toshio Meguro. African Centre for Technological Studies. Nairobi.
  • 2009 Western, D. Ecotourism, conservation and development in East Africa: How the Philanthropic Traveler can make a difference. Proceedings of the Traveler’s Philanthropy Symposium. Arusha, Tanzania.
  • 2009 Western D and Behrensmeyer. K.A. Bone assemblage tracks community structure over 40-years in an African savanna ecosystem. Science. 234: 1061-1064.
  • 2009 Western, D., Russell, S. and Cuthill, I. The Status of protected areas compared to non-protected areas of Kenya. PLoS One. 4 (7): 1-6.
  • 2009 Western, D. The Future of Maasailand, its People and Wildlife. In Staying Maasai. Livelihoods, Conservation and Development in East African Rangelands. Editors K. Holmewood, P. Kristjanson and P. Trench. Springer, New York.
  • 2009 Western, D Groom, R and Worden, J. The impact of land subdivision and sedentarization of pastoralist on wildlife in an African savanna ecosystem. Biological Conservation 142: 2538-2546.
  • 2010 Western, D. People, elephants and habitat in a Amboseli National Park: A century of change detected by repeat photography. In Repeat Photography: Methods and Applications in the Geological and Ecological Sciences. Ed. R.H. Webb, Boyer, D.E. and Turner, R.M. Island Press, Washington, D.C.
  • 2010 Western, D. Conservation of Art and Species. In Coping with the Past. Creative Perspectives on Conservation and Restoration. Edited Pasquale Gagliardi, Bruno Latour and Pedro Memelsdorf. Leo Olschki. Furenzi. Italy.
  • 2010 Western, D. Conservation in an age of climate change. Swara: 1. 24-25.
  • 2010 Western, D. The Worst Drought: Tipping Point or Turning Point. Swara: 2.16-20.
  • 2010 Western et al. Towards a National Conservation Framework. Policy Recommendations of the Conference on Biodiversity, Land Use and Climate Change. African Center for Tenchological Studies, Nairobi.
  • 2011 Ahlering, M.A., Millspaugh, J.J., Woods, R.J., Western, D. and Eggert, L.S. 2009. Elevated levels of stress hormones detected in crop-raiding male elephants. Animal Conservation 14 (2) 124-130.
  • 2011 Dunne, T., Western, D. and Dietrich, W. The effects of cattle trampling on vegetation, infiltration and erosion in rangelands in southern Kenya. Journal of Arid Environments. 75: 58-69.
  • 2012 Sunstrom, S, Tynon, J. and Western, D. Rangeland privatization and the Maasai experience: Social capital and the implications for traditional resource management in southern Kenya. Society and Natural Resources. 2(5).
  • 2012 Mose, V.N., Nguyen-HUU, T., Auger, P., Western, D., 2012. Modelling herbivore population dynamics In Amboseli National Park, Kenya. Ecological Complexity 10:42-51.
  • 2012 Ahlering, M. A., J. E. Maldonado, R. C. Fleischer, D. Western, and L. S. Eggert. Fine-scale group structure and demography of African savannah elephants recolonizing lands outside protected areas. Diversity and Distributions 18:1-10.
  • 2012 Ahlering, M.A., Eggert, L.S., Western. D., Estes, A., Munishi. L., Fleischer, R., Roberts, M., and Maldonado, J.E. Identifying source populations and genetic structure for savannah elephants in human-dominated landscapes and protected areas in the Kenya-Tanzania borderlands. PLoS ONE 7 (12):1-9).
  • 2013 Mose V. N., Nguyen-Huu, T., Western, D., Auger, P., Nyandwi, C. Modelling the dynamics of migrations for large herbivore populations in the Amboseli National Park, Kenya. Ecological Modelling (254) 43-49.
  • 2013 Ecotourism: from small beginnings to global influence. In Sustainable Tourism and the Millennium Development Goals, eds. Kelly S. Bricker, Rosemary Black and Stuart Cottrell. The International Ecotourism Society, Washington, D.C.
  • 2013 Ahlering, M.A., J.E. Maldonado, L.S. Eggert, R.C. Fleischer, D. Western and J. Brown. Conservation outside protected areas and the effect of human-dominated landscapes on stress hormones in savannah elephants. Conservation Biology 27: 569–575.
  • 2013 Groom, R.J. and Western, D. The impact of land subdivision and sedentarization on wildlife. In Kenya’s southern Rangelands. Rangeland Ecology and Management 66(1): 1-9.
  • 2013 Johnston, M.J., Western, D. and Jackson, R. Mapping biological processes to the appropriate spatial modeling tools. In Conservation Planning: Shaping the Future. Edited F. L. Craighead and C.L. Convis. ESRI Press, Redlands, California.
  • 2014 Western, D., Nightingale, D. and Bandheri, P. Community-based Natural Resource Management. Creating and Enabling Policy Environment in Kenya. African Centre for Technological Studies, Nairobi.
  • 2015 Elephants and ecological cascades. Book Review of Elephants and Savanna Woodland Ecosystems. C, Skarpe et al. 2014. Ecology 96(1): 309-310.
  • 2015 Mose, V. N., & Western, D. Spatial cluster analysis for large herbivore distributions: Amboseli ecosystem, Kenya. Ecological Informatics.
  • 2015 Western, D., Waithaka, J. and Kamanga J. Finding space for wildlife beyond national parks and reducing conflict through community-based conservation: the Kenya experience. Parks 21.1: 51-62.
  • 2015 Western, D., Mose, V. N., Worden, J., & Maitumo, D. (2015). Predicting Extreme Droughts in Savannah Africa: A Comparison of Proxy and Direct Measures in Detecting Biomass Fluctuations, Trends and Their Causes. PloS one, 10(8), e0136516.
  • 2015 Principal writer and editor. Kenya’s Natural Capital: A Biodiversity Atlas (due to be launched by the Ministry of the Environment November 17th 2015).
  • 2015 David Western, Victor N. Mose, Jeffery Worden and David Maitumo. Predicting extreme droughts in savanna Africa: a comparison of proxy and direct measures in detecting biomass fluctuations, trends and their causes. PLoS One. 10 (8).
  • 2016. Kennedy Sakimba Kamiti, Oliver Vivian Wasonga, David Western and Judith Syombua Mbau. Community perceptions on spatio-temporal land use changes in the Amboseli ecosystem, southern Kenya. Pastoralism: Research, Policy and Practice. 6:24 DOI 10.1186/s 13570-016-0070-0.
  • 2017 Tyrell, P. Russel S. and Western D. 2017 Seasonal movements of wildlife and livestock in a heterogenous pastoral landscape: implications for coexistence and community-based conservation. Global Ecology and Conservation. 12. 57.73.
  • 2018. Victor N. Mose, David Western and Peter Tyrell. Applications of open source tools for biodiversity conservation and natural resource management in East Africa. Ecological Informatics 47.35-44.
  • 2018. Russell, S., Tyrrell, P., & Western, D. Seasonal interactions of pastoralists and wildlife in relation to pasture in an African savanna ecosystem. Journal of Arid Environments, 154, 70-81.
  • 2018 K. S. Kamiti, D. Western, J.S. Mbau and O.V. Wasonga. Impacts of long-term land-use changes on herd size and mobility among pastoral households in Amboseli ecosystem, Kenya. Ecological Processes, 7:4 2-9.
  • 2018 Osipova, L., Okello, M., Njumbi, S. J., Ngene, S., Western, D., Howard, M.W. and Balkehnol, N. Fencing solves human-wildlife conflict locally but shifts problems elsewhere: A case study using functional connectivity modelling of the African elephant. Journal of Applied Ecology, 55 Issue 2, 2673-2684.
  • 2018. Osipova, L., Okello, M., Njumbi, S. J., Ngene, S., Western, D., Howard, M.W. and Balkehnol, N. Using step-detection function to model landscape connectivity for African elephants: accounting for variability across individuals and seasons. Animal Conservation, 22 Issue 1, 35-48.
  • 2018. David Western, Victor Mose, David Maitumo. Caroline Mburu, Eric Ochwangi, Sakimba Kamiti and Bernadette Thomas. The Amboseli Ecosystem: Status, changes and recommendations for the Amboseli Ecosystem Management Plan 2018-2028. Supplement to the Amboseli Ecosystem Management Plan 2020-2030.
  • 2018. Contributor National Wildlife Strategy 2030. A Blueprint to Transform Wildlife Conservation in Kenya. Government of Kenya 2018.
  • 2019. David Western, D.L. Manzolillo Nightingale, Johnson Ole Sipitiek, Victor N. Mose and Sakimba Kimiti. Variability and change in Maasai views of wildlife and the conservation implications. Human Ecology
  • 2019. Report on the Wildlife Utilization Task Force on Consumptive Utilization in Kenya. Ministry of Tourism and Wildlife. Government of Kenya.
  • 2020, Conservation from the inside-out: winning space and a place for wildlife in working landscapes David Western, Peter Tyrrell, Peadar Brehony, Samantha Russell, Guy Western and John Kamanga. People and Nature 2020:00:1-13.
  • 2020. Fernández-Llamazares, Álvaro, David Western, Kathleen A. Galvin, Pamela McElwee, and Mar Cabeza. Historical shifts in local attitudes towards wildlife by Maasai pastoralists of the Amboseli Ecosystem (Kenya): insights from three conservation psychology theories. Journal for Nature Conservation (2019): 125763.

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