On our January 7th 2020 web posting , we announced the ratification and adoption of the Amboseli Ecosystem Management Plan 2020-2030. The plan broke new ground in going beyond the wildlife plans of the AEMP 2008-2018 to include all aspects of natural resource and land use management of the ecosystem. ACP’s technical report to the planning committee formed the foundation of the ecosystem plan. ACP also gave a poster demonstration of its monitoring work and contribution to the AEMP plans at the KWS Information and Education Centre prior to the launch (Download posters below).
The AEMP also broke new ground in setting the framework for the Amboseli National Park Plan 2020-2030. After several months delay caused by the Covid-19 lockdown, the final planning meeting for the ANPP 2030 was convened by the Kenya Wildlife Service in Amboseli on 20th September 2020. The review by the community members, NGOs, the tourist industry and conservation NGOs was quickly ratified, and the decision made to launch the ANPP and AEMP plans simultaneously.
The launch was held at the Kimana Gate of Amboseli National Park, attended by the Cabinet Secretary of the Ministry of Tourism and Wildlife, Najib Balala, the Principal Secretary, Fred Segor, the DG and senior staff from KWS, a large contingent from the Amboseli group ranches, UNDP and US AID representatives, conservation NGOs, and the Amboseli Ecosystem Trust.
The Cabinet Secretary expects to have both the AEMP and ANPP gazetted immediately by the Attorney General’s Chambers and give the plans the legal enforcement needed to regulate developments compliant with the plans.
Download the posters here
On our January 7th 2020 web posting , we announced the ratification and adoption of the Amboseli Ecosystem Management Plan 2020-2030. The plan broke new ground in going beyond the wildlife plans of the AEMP 2008-2018 to include all aspects of natural resource and land use management of the ecosystem. ACP’s technical report to the planning committee formed the foundation of the ecosystem plan. ACP also gave a poster demonstration of its monitoring work and contribution to the AEMP plans at the KWS Information and Education Centre prior to the launch (Download posters below).
The AEMP also broke new ground in setting the framework for the Amboseli National Park Plan 2020-2030. After several months delay caused by the Covid-19 lockdown, the final planning meeting for the ANPP 2030 was convened by the Kenya Wildlife Service in Amboseli on 20th September 2020. The review by the community members, NGOs, the tourist industry and conservation NGOs was quickly ratified, and the decision made to launch the ANPP and AEMP plans simultaneously.
The launch was held at the Kimana Gate of Amboseli National Park, attended by the Cabinet Secretary of the Ministry of Tourism and Wildlife, Najib Balala, the Principal Secretary, Fred Segor, the DG and senior staff from KWS, a large contingent from the Amboseli group ranches, UNDP and US AID representatives, conservation NGOs, and the Amboseli Ecosystem Trust.
The Cabinet Secretary expects to have both the AEMP and ANPP gazetted immediately by the Attorney General’s Chambers and give the plans the legal enforcement needed to regulate developments compliant with the plans.
Download the posters here
On our January 7th 2020 web posting , we announced the ratification and adoption of the Amboseli Ecosystem Management Plan 2020-2030. The plan broke new ground in going beyond the wildlife plans of the AEMP 2008-2018 to include all aspects of natural resource and land use management of the ecosystem. ACP’s technical report to the planning committee formed the foundation of the ecosystem plan. ACP also gave a poster demonstration of its monitoring work and contribution to the AEMP plans at the KWS Information and Education Centre prior to the launch (Download posters below).
The AEMP also broke new ground in setting the framework for the Amboseli National Park Plan 2020-2030. After several months delay caused by the Covid-19 lockdown, the final planning meeting for the ANPP 2030 was convened by the Kenya Wildlife Service in Amboseli on 20th September 2020. The review by the community members, NGOs, the tourist industry and conservation NGOs was quickly ratified, and the decision made to launch the ANPP and AEMP plans simultaneously.
The launch was held at the Kimana Gate of Amboseli National Park, attended by the Cabinet Secretary of the Ministry of Tourism and Wildlife, Najib Balala, the Principal Secretary, Fred Segor, the DG and senior staff from KWS, a large contingent from the Amboseli group ranches, UNDP and US AID representatives, conservation NGOs, and the Amboseli Ecosystem Trust.
The Cabinet Secretary expects to have both the AEMP and ANPP gazetted immediately by the Attorney General’s Chambers and give the plans the legal enforcement needed to regulate developments compliant with the plans.
Download the posters here
On our January 7th 2020 web posting , we announced the ratification and adoption of the Amboseli Ecosystem Management Plan 2020-2030. The plan broke new ground in going beyond the wildlife plans of the AEMP 2008-2018 to include all aspects of natural resource and land use management of the ecosystem. ACP’s technical report to the planning committee formed the foundation of the ecosystem plan. ACP also gave a poster demonstration of its monitoring work and contribution to the AEMP plans at the KWS Information and Education Centre prior to the launch (Download posters below).
The AEMP also broke new ground in setting the framework for the Amboseli National Park Plan 2020-2030. After several months delay caused by the Covid-19 lockdown, the final planning meeting for the ANPP 2030 was convened by the Kenya Wildlife Service in Amboseli on 20th September 2020. The review by the community members, NGOs, the tourist industry and conservation NGOs was quickly ratified, and the decision made to launch the ANPP and AEMP plans simultaneously.
The launch was held at the Kimana Gate of Amboseli National Park, attended by the Cabinet Secretary of the Ministry of Tourism and Wildlife, Najib Balala, the Principal Secretary, Fred Segor, the DG and senior staff from KWS, a large contingent from the Amboseli group ranches, UNDP and US AID representatives, conservation NGOs, and the Amboseli Ecosystem Trust.
The Cabinet Secretary expects to have both the AEMP and ANPP gazetted immediately by the Attorney General’s Chambers and give the plans the legal enforcement needed to regulate developments compliant with the plans.
Download the posters here
For over 50 years, we’ve been pioneering conservation work in Amboseli sustained habitats, livelihoods and resilience through collaboration amid environmental changes, protecting biodiversity.
Current grazing pressure percentage.
Amboseli Conservation Program
P.O Box 15289-00509 or 62844-00200
Nairobi, Kenya.
Tel/Fax: +254 20 891360 / 891751
Email: acc@acc.or.ke
Amboseli Conservation Program
P.O Box 15289-00509 or 62844-00200
Nairobi, Kenya.
Tel/Fax: +254 20 891360 / 891751
Email: acc@acc.or.ke